Peter Crowther

The Death of Light

May 30, 2012
Gosh, it seems so long ago that I was last here that it’s like . . . it’s like it’s a brand new house I’m walking into. Oh, sure, I recognise the dimensions and so on—same front door, same window, all that stuff (and I think those are my cuff-links)—but it’s like somebody sneaked in and did  some plastering and painting. So, bravo! Looks good, whoever you are.

The reason I am here and, indeed, the reason why I haven’t been around for so long are, in fact, one and the same: the long promised/threatened second volume of the Forever Twilight sequence. The good news (if you enjoyed the first book) is that the new one is fast approaching (well, maybe best just to say ‘approaching’) a first draft stage . . . and much later than was agreed with those wonderful folks at Angry Robot. Their patience and their support and encouragement have been epic and generous to a fault. I’ve kept them posted, of course, and they’re taken the occasional disappointment with a calm stoicism. I’m hopeful that they’ll like what’s been happening.

So, what has been happening?

Well, you should be able to see for yourself from a series of two- or three-thousand-word slices—each one pretty much self-contained, and a fresh one replacing the old one every two weeks or so—lifted fairly arbitrarily from different parts of the book and presented here for your amusement and interest. One of the lifted quotes at the very beginning of the entire volume will give away some of the game, but not much. Other tiny revelations will follow . . . perhaps: because, face it . . . I’m not gonna promise you anything—and, frankly, there are changes that could still take place to any or all of these sections. It’s been that kind of a book and I’m betting “The Big Reveal” which will be volume 3 (when many of us will be convening in New York’s Central Park—though which particular version is not yet certain—and others on a pretty hostile and unnamed planet a long way away) will make this outing look like a Janet and John primer.

So, I guess all that’s left to say is have fun. Enjoy yourself. Drop me a line. Let me know what you think. There’ll be another piece in a couple of weeks either from before the one that’s going up to today or from after it. Time and space hold no sway here. As Vonnegut said many years ago: welcome to the monkey house.

Uh uh . . .  waartt!

No more heroes?

March 3, 2012
Way back in 1977, The Stranglers opined that there were no more heroes but, you know, it wasn’t true then—strictly speaking—and it isn’t true now. I’ll tell you how I know.

A few years back, I was asked to write a story set in a world of costumed do-gooders and larger-than-life bad guys. (Heh . . . talk about a labour of love!) When I had completed the tale, I asked Nirvana’s management for permission to use a couplet from one of the songs on Nevermind (‘Lithium’, I believe). ...
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Festive Fun at PS Towers

December 19, 2011

Click on the logo to see our seasonal greetings

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Zoran Zivkovic

December 9, 2011

Yeah, so I’m sitting in my office thinking about starting the day, first cup of coffee in hand, when I get this note from Zoran Zivkovic.

Now, Zoran’s a lovely fellow—a ‘stand-up’ guy, as our American chums might say—and he’s a truly remarkable writer. However, the simple fact is that, here at PS, we’ve found it difficult to make his books the staples of British readers’ bedside tables the way they should be. But, what the heck, it’s not written anywhere that quali...

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The power of a book-jacket

November 3, 2011
If anybody ever asks me about the power of a book-jacket then I'll tell 'em this: it works with me . . . and I mean Big Style.
I was in the the wonderful Hockney Galleries at Salt's Mill in Saltaire (and if you're ever stumped about where to spend a long weekend or even a whole damn week, then this is the place for you . . . and I mean that), checking out the bookroom, and I came away with seven titles, most of which I knew diddly about. The thing was, I fell in love with the covers . . . and...
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They came in their hundreds . . .

November 3, 2011

Today finds me settling down to work after the busy life of personal appearances and book-signings. Good fun and great to speak with fans of my work from Hull, Leeds, Ilkley and Manchester (more to come). The Leeds gig (Waterstones, Albion Street) was particularly noteworthy.

When Nicky and I came out of one of the cross streets into Albion, I was rather surprised to see throngs of people—and I mean THRONGS . . . like, hundreds!—standing in line and facing up the street in the general d...

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The golden age of comics is 12

October 27, 2011
I’ve been reading a lot of comics of late . . . mainly the reprint stuff, because that’s where my heart lies. After all, the true Golden Age of comics is 12 . . . which puts my interest around 1961/2, when the infamous Comics Code effectively brought in by Dr. Frederic Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent was well underway (having kicked off in 1954/55) and the comics themselves were fairly pale versions of what they once were.

So I’ve been slavishly buying DC’s Archive series (which...
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Hull signing - a sell out

October 17, 2011
Yesterday's personal appearance at the Hull branch of Waterstones went wonderfully well. Waterstone's finest—in the form of Lisa and Jasmine (plus Peter and store manager Lee)—looked after me brilliantly. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time buttonholing any customer who stopped to check the shelves in either the SF, Dark Fantasy or Horror sections and introducing them to DARKNESS FALLING. The result was that we sold out the eighteen copies remaining from some earlier-in-the-week activity in...

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Waterstones Signing Dates

September 29, 2011
Here are the dates so far on the 2011 Darkness Falling signing tour. I'm going to watch out to see if anyone attends more than one gig . . . kind of like Deadheads back in the day. (Following the Grateful Dead was a little difficult for a teenager in Yorkshire but I did follow a band called The Alan Bown—fronted by the excellent Jess Roden—all over the place. Anyway, I digress.)
  • Forbidden Planet, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London—Monday 3 October, 6 pm through to 7 pm
  • The Ilkley Literat...

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Darkness Falling goes on sale

September 27, 2011
Today's the day in the US when DARKNESS FALLING goes on sale. Let me know what you think. Meanwhile, I just heard that, here in the UK, it's already gone to reprint pre-publication—all I can say is thank goodness for large families!)

Here's an early review Check it out (oh, and Tiffany? Virgil says 'Hi'). And if you're going to be at FantasyCon this coming weekend then come say hello. Those lovely folks at An...
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