Peter Crowther

Browsing Archive: December, 2012

Countdown Time In Outer Space

Posted by Peter Crowther on Friday, December 21, 2012,
Some years back, I started a little series of barroom stories set in a two-flight walkdown just a stone's throw from Manhattan's Chelsea Hotel. I've done four novelettes now, collected into a book under the bar's name (THE LAND AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY) and I have to say they've been well received.
They're all on the whimsical side (like me, I suppose) but one of them -- 'Cliff Rhodes and the Most Important Journey' -- is wilder than the others. The gist of these tales is pretty straig...

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Not a day goes by that I don’t spare a thought to Ray Bradbury

Posted by Peter Crowther on Friday, December 14, 2012,
The chill is setting in, guys so I figured this week you could do with something to warm up the old heart-cockles (whatever the heck they turn out to be!).

Not a day goes by that I don’t spare a thought to Ray Bradbury and his work . . . but then, that’s not just as a result of his departure to that big mid-west in the sky. Nope, not a bit. My mind has wandered of its own accord into all things Bradburian pretty much every day since I discovered THE ILLUSTRATED MAN aged 11.

So it was a grea...

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